Tackle Pre-Algebra with Your Younger Learner and Mr. D Math

Disclaimer: I was compensated for my time in exchange for my honest review

What do you do when you have a nine year old that’s gifted in mathematics? The answer is, whatever you have to. As a homeschool mama whose professional background is in the arts and humanities, I knew that math would be a challenge FOR ME, especially as my son got older. I survived just fine doing multi-step addition and subtraction when he was four, and then multiplication when the kid was five – but by age six I was kinda done teaching him. So I turned to Mr. D Math, just like the parents I knew that homeschooled gifted children. Cash took Mr. D Math’s Preparing for Pre-Algebra course last year and loved it, along with additional math supplements and this year, he started Pre-Algebra with Mr. D.

With Mr. D Math the teaching is done for you – chose a Self paced class spanning a full standard school term filled with engaging video lessons or a live virtual class taught by math experts. Either way, you have access to office hours for additional help and tutoring as well as help via messaging. If you’re worried about the grading and review… don’t. Using the Mr. D Math method the student grades their own work and uses their notes and review work for test and quizzes. Everything is done for you (the parent). Besides gathering a few basic supplies (a scientific calculator and binder for their workbook pages) and printing out a few pages, you’ve got nothing else to do.

What Mr. D Math offers to Parents of Advanced/Gifted Learners:

  • A proven methodology for teaching math
  • A chance to foster an Independent learner
  • Lots of support and reinforcement of the material
  • A great way to allow an advanced learner to work above grade level

Mr. D Math also gives the parent the confidence to allow math acceleration for a younger learner. My biggest doubt was that Cash would be missing something foundational by starting a course like this too early. But after sitting through several lessons with him I realized there was nothing to fear. Every new concept was introduced gently with a focus on previous fundamentals. Even the class work is done together with the instructor. It’s those building blocks that showed me once again why Mr. D Math has been trusted by students and parents for years.

Expecting a boring video lecture? Not with Mr. D Math. It’s taught with kids in mind so don’t worry about a boring monotone voice – the class is engaging and fun while using real world examples and situations for how math is used. Cash’s favorite is when Mr. D Math makes up little stories to help the kids remember a concept. “Skateboard Dude” always gives my mathy kid a chuckle. And I’ll confess – I don’t have to listen in on Cash’s Mr. D Math Pre-Algebra course anymore but I kind of like to just to relearn long forgotten concepts. Like coordinate planes. I’d completely forgotten how to do those and Cash still had to tutor me a little.

So, parents of Gifted and Advanced Learners take note – we don’t have to dread math anymore. Mr. D Math has got us covered so go check them out. We can go back to trying to figure out some of the other quirky habits of our kids instead.

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